MP Group: Outlook on Growth of the US biosimilars market – Key trends and opportunities

Pleasure to share our Outlook on Growth of the US biosimilars market – Key trends and opportunities. Historically, the US biosimilars market has posed several challenges restricting its penetration. Ambiguous regulatory guidelines contributing to high cost and timelines for development, patent dance causing uncertainties with launch timelines and barriers posed by the innovators limiting the market penetration – all of these led to the biosimilars market only dominated by the innovator companies. However, over the last 3-5 years, the landscape…

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Japan Biosimilars: Landscape Today, Outlook Tomorrow – ‘Biosame’ entry, uninterrupted supply and companies’ strong front-end footprint requirements make it a distinct market

- After a decade, JP Biosimilar guideline’s first revision expected in FY2020 –Demonstrate Chuikyo need of biosimilar tool to curb healthcare cost - Biosimilars uptake varies as per each opportunity, Remicade BS vs. Rituxan BS- Two poles of the curve - A few skipping NHI listing due to manufacturing issues associated with constantsupply need, Japanese CDMO imminent to seal  this local need Since 2009, 25 biosimilars of 12 originator products are approved in Japan and have yielded mixed performances and…

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MP Group – Global Biosimilars Outlook, 2019

Year 2019 has been a pivotal year for biosimilars and it is our pleasure to share with you the Global Biosimilars Outlook, 2019, whichcovers in-depth analyses of biosimilars landscape across major geographies (EU, US, Japan, China and India) and presents ideas on how to move ahead in order to achieve global leadership in what we believe will be $40B market by 2025. EU Biosimilar Landscape: The most evolved market currently at a tipping point A matured biosimilar market, although with heterogeneous penetration across the member statesBetter prescriber incentives and multiple winning tenders will not…

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MP Group – Biosimilars Landscape – China and India

As you are exploring biosimilar opportunities, we would be delighted to share our insights to help you advance your strategy. Our active work has enabled us to develop an in depth understanding of the global biosimilar opportunity, and many of our forecasts of the past decade are now being realized. In fact, that is why the title of the attached slide deck is “Creating a global biosimilars leadership - Combining complementary strengths of China and India” (Click here to download) Global…

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MP Group – Biosimilars Landscape – USA

A pleasure to share with you the second issue of the Biosimilars series from MP Group. This issue covers in-depth analyses of the US biosimilars outlook, which includes market dynamics, evolving regulatory and policy landscape, competitive analysis, etc.    With 15+ biologics facing patent expiry by 2020, and ~25 more in the coming decade, ~$200+B biologics sales underpin the first wave of biosimilar opportunity, which is forecast to approach $500B around 2030. These high priced biologics contribute as much as one-half of healthcare…

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MP Advisors/Mehta Partners: Global Biosimilars Outlook -2019 & Beyond

It is our pleasure to share with you the first issue of the Biosimilars series from the MP Group. The series starts with macro perspective of the global biosimilars landscape and subsequent in-depth analyses of biosimilars outlook in various geographies, which includes market dynamics, evolving regulatory and policy landscape, product pipelines, competitive analysis, etc. Biosimilars are emerging as one of the most important sectors in the healthcare industry to curb increasing healthcare costs, primarily associated with biologics. With 15+ biologics…

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MP Advisors/Mehta Partners: Indian BioPharma Landscape – 2018

It is our pleasure to share with you our recent update on India's BioPharmaceutical Landscape. We have developed this evolving framework that has helped us assess various pharma markets and companies regardless of geography—an integrated perspective to help identify value drivers and global growth opportunities.  Indian companies have predominantly thrived on globalizing their generic formulations business with a primary focus on the US market.  However, increasing pricing pressure as a result of consolidation among payer groups and PBMs (Pharma Benefit Managers), and intensifying…

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