Mehta Analysis: Two Pillars of Industry Success Being Shaken

Regulators and policy makers are threatening the long-standing regulatory and patent protection structures that have helped prop the industry for many years. But pharma sustainability should in any case be based on innovation, writes Viren Mehta of Mehta Partners LLC. Regulatory barriers and patent protection are two of the three fundamental pillars on which the biopharma industry success has been built, the third one being innovation. When the famed Framingham Study began in 1948, we could measure only a few…

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Mehta Analysis: BMS/Celgene Merger Shows Big Pharma Is Stuck In Wrong Groove

Bristol-Myers Squibb executives are justifying the acquisition of Celgene in terms that have been well-rehearsed through the history of big pharma mergers. But they are failing to consider radical changes to the environment in which pharma operates, argues Viren Mehta of Mehta Partners LLC. Bristol-Myers Squibb executives are justifying the acquisition of Celgene in terms that have been well-rehearsed through the history of big pharma mergers. But they are failing to consider radical changes to the environment in which pharma…

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Mehta Analysis: Time Has Come To Present Drugs As Consumer Products

Trump’s proposal to remove safe harbor protection for PBMs and biopharma will accelerate challenges to the traditional biopharma models, argues Viren Mehta of Mehta Partners LLC. Nimble new companies represent an innovation engine that can succeed without hiding behind the regulatory veil, and will foment rapid change, including in how drugs are valued and paid for. Executive Summary Trump’s proposal to remove safe harbor protection for PBMs and biopharma will accelerate challenges to the traditional biopharma models, argues Viren Mehta…

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MP Advisors/Mehta Partners: Indian BioPharma Landscape – 2018

It is our pleasure to share with you our recent update on India's BioPharmaceutical Landscape. We have developed this evolving framework that has helped us assess various pharma markets and companies regardless of geography—an integrated perspective to help identify value drivers and global growth opportunities.  Indian companies have predominantly thrived on globalizing their generic formulations business with a primary focus on the US market.  However, increasing pricing pressure as a result of consolidation among payer groups and PBMs (Pharma Benefit Managers), and intensifying…

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Mehta Analysis: Outlook For 2029

Looking forward means playing the long game in biopharma. In a decade's time, it will all be about knowing every protein the AI way, something which will have transformed the industry, believes Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC. Looking forward means playing the long game in biopharma. In a decade's time, it will all be about knowing every protein the AI way, something which will have transformed the industry, believes Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC.…

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Mehta Analysis: Can Trump Trigger Triple Cascade?

Trump says the biopharma industry can no longer depend on the higher US profit margins with his initiative to peg US drug prices to global norms. The US president needs second and third initiatives to be successful: Enable the regulators and biopharma industry to rationalize R&D, and to eliminate selling costs that collectively account for one-half of the industry, writes Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC. The US Administration’s proposal to peg Medicare Part B payments to foreign…

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Mehta Analysis: From Generics To Biosimilars – When Will History Hurry Up And Repeat Itself?

More than three decades ago, the Hatch-Waxman Act ushered in a new model of pharma industry renewal by opening the door to effective generic competition after drug patent expiry and encouraging originators to invest in innovation. Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC, would like to see similar gains from biosimilar adoption. The barriers to biosimilars adoption today bring back bitter-sweet memories of the regulatory revolution that eventually gave birth to the generics industry in the 1980s. Younger readers…

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Mehta Analysis: China, A Populist Pharma Power

With money pouring into biopharma in China, and regulatory reforms favoring market growth and R&D speed, western firms should watch their backs, warns Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC. The dollars and renminbi are adding up, as are structural and regulatory changes in China. With the modified IPO listing rules in Hong Kong, China’s momentum as a biopharma leader is accelerating. Even the Trump trade tirade seems to bypass many bold biopharma initiatives in China that have brought…

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Mehta Analysis: Takeda and Alliance Bernstein Moves Contain A Message For Pharma

Buying Shire gives Takeda the chance to exploit global tax benefits and gain other profit-promoting advantages through integrating with Shire's differently focused business. Outside of pharma, business model rationales are changing rapidly, and old certainties cannot be taken for granted. Pharma would ignore the wider revolution at its peril, and Takeda's move is a step in the right direction, argues Viren Mehta, founding partner of Mehta Partners LLC. Three examples capture the pace of change all around us: the largest…

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Mehta Analysis: Trump Pricing Tempest In A Teapot Is An Opportunity For Bio-pharma Leaders

President Trump's much anticipated pronouncements on drug pricing reform leave a lot to be clarified. Biopharma companies and their leaders should grasp the opportunity to lead from the front and propose tangible and transformative actions that deliver benefits for all stakeholders. This may be one of the few letdowns that the biopharma industry should embrace, if not relish. Shrill propaganda by so many in the government, starting with President Trump himself soon after entering the US presidential race, had escalated…

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