Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Outlook 2014: Rising Stars

Innovations have contributed to the availability of a range of new treatments for diseases resulting in improvement in the length and quality of life and reduced disease burden for individuals and society. However, the need for innovative therapies for unmet needs /challenging diseases continues to grow, accelerating the pace of drug development directly or through partnership/ in-licensing. We expect innovation and improved drugs therapies through novel target discovery and technology platforms to continue to flow from the backyards of small…

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Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Outlook 2014: India Pharma

Indian companies are taking center stage in Complex Generics at US and EU markets. In Bio-similars, Indian companies will have perhaps the largest basket aimed at Emerging Countries in 2014-16 and later for Developed countries. Though few but is the beginning of NCE/mAb development by Indian companies is a sign of Indian Generics moving up in the chain. The uncertainty of clinical and regulatory pathways in the US helps Asian biopharma and biotech companies to be in the forefront of…

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Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Outlook 2014: Japan Pharma

2014 will be marked as a transition year for the Japanese Pharma industry - the year is bound to be painful both for innovators and generic companies due to the new regulations. We find these regulations to be 'decisive' in spurring generic penetration significantly, with the main beneficiary being the Japanese government (or society) and not the generic companies. The implications of new price-reversions are going to have many facets and will change conventional business models. We expect many support…

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Takeda, Challenges Ahead for its New European Presiden

Post Nycomed and Millenium acquisition, the new leadership of non-Japanese CEO/President Mr. Weber will transform Takeda in a truly global Japanese company in the coming years. It is however important to see how he fulfills the Japanese expectation from these acquisitions and fills the gap for Takeda due to the recent failure of its key late stage pipeline candidates (TAK-875, TAK-700 in chemo experienced Prostate Cancer). From its remaining late stage pipeline candidates (Table 2) Vedolizumab, Contrave (Naltoxone + buproprion,…

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Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma – Expectation From BBI-608 To Achieve FY2017 MTP Target Looks Unachievable!

Dainippon Sumitomo (DSP) is one of those Japanese pharma companies which has changed its orbit by successful US launch of Latuda (Lurasidone, dopamine-2, serotonin-2 and serotonin-7 receptors agonist schizophrenia/bipolar disorder) in the last two years. But DSP’s expectation to generate $650m by FY2017 from its lead compound BBI-608 from mCRC is way unachievable. Pipeline Cancer Stem Cell Inhibitors- from OncoMed/Celgene (OMP-21M18, OMP-52M51) And Bionomics (BNC-101) also need a close watch. On M & A front (Table 11), DSP’s R &…

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Global Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Outlook 2014: Major US and EU

Strategy Diversification Divested: Productivity measurements, Divestment of non-core assets resulting in healthy Cash position- Will accelerate Next wave of targeted acquisition In recent years' several new therapies have been approved in the area of diabetes (SGLT-2, GLP-1 agonists), Multiple Sclerosis, HCV, melanoma, and breast cancer from major pharmaceutical companies. Many of them are expected to reach multi-billion dollars peak sales in the near-term which is likely to compensate the patent expiry loss in top-line revenue. Novel mechanisms like anti-PD1, anti-PCSK9,…

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Global Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Outlook 2014: Mature Biotech

Positive sentiments for the biotech sector have prevailed in the last two to three years, and we expect this trend to continue for the next year too. Our optimism is based on the continuity in the flow of innovative products from their pipeline, implementation of strategic decisions to improve cost efficiency, strengthen therapeutic leadership, and hedge against generic threats – which all lend stability to the business model of the company. Focus and interest in Orphan diseases remain and Alexion…

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Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Freedom from injecting Interferon (IFN), treating major HCV genotypes WW and betting on vaccines could bring a sea of change in the treatment of HCV infection in the future. This year the first IFN-free drug options for HCV Genotype 2/3- Gilead’s Sofosbuvir/RBV (GS-7977, PDUFA Dec. 8, 2013) is expected to be approved and launched! By 2015 launch of Gilead’s Sofosbuvir/Ledipasvir (PhIII) and AbbVie/ Enanta’s (ABT-450r/ABT-472/ABT-333) should remove the need of IFN for GT1 genotype HCV patients as well! Tapping the…

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Rituximab biosimilar

Approval of Inflectra/Remsima, the first biosimilar Monoclonal antibody (Mab) from Celltrion and Hospira in EU in 2013 is a trend setter! Inflectra is a biosimilar of Johnson & Johnson's Remicade, which is approved for RA, Crohn's disease and several other conditions and had $2 billion in sales in Europe last year. This approval has further increase the optimism of companies developing and marketing biosimilars and the wait for the launch of others in queue Rituxan, Herecptin, Enbrel etc may not…

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Treating Refractory Hematological Malignancies – Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML): Emerging Therapeutics

The report provides an overview of the approved therapies for AML, MDS, unmet need and limitations of the current SOC for relapsed and refractory pts. The report highlights the competition and commercial opportunity in pursuing this therapy area – Comprehensive list of the early and late stage drugs in the clinic, their MoA and the companies developing them. Detailed financial and competitive analysis of the companies leading in the race to launch new therapies for this indication – Ambit Biosciences,…

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